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Publications : Publications


Las dos Españas: Terror and Crisis in Contemporary Spain

In this full-update of my doctoral thesis I examine the narrative of las dos Españas through the lens of political discourses of economic crisis and terror in contemporary Spain.




'A Europe of Stories: Queer Cartography and the Grammar of Hope' in Journal of European Studies (Forthcoming March 2022)  

I imagine the possibilities that might open up if we reenergise Queer and Europe with their original radical potential.

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'What do we Talk about when we Talk about Queer Death? Theories and Definitions' in Whatever: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, vol. 4, pp. 573-509

This is part 1 of 6 of the dossier What Do We Talk about when We Talk about Queer Death?, edited by M. Petricola. The contributions collected in this article sit at the crossroads between thanatology and queer theory and tackle questions such as: how can we define queer death studies as a research field? How can queer death studies problematize and rethink the life death binary? Which notions and hermeneutic tools could be borrowed from other disciplines in order to better define queer death studies? The present article includes the following contributions: – MacCormack P., What does queer death studies mean?; – Radomska M., On queering death studies; – Lykke N., Death as vibrancy; – Hillerup Hansen I., What concreteness will do to resolve the uncertain; – Olson P., Queer objectivity as a response to denials of death; – Manganas N., The queer lack of a chthonic instinct

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'A Place to Finally Rest: Reading National Shame in Spanish Crisis Cinema' in Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 193-206. 

I explore how narratives of shame in Spanish crisis cinema weakens the individual connection with the nation state during times of economic crisis.


'Real Men: Sam Smith's Emasculation of the James Bond Theme' in Celebrity Studies, vol. 10, no. 3., pp. 436-40.

I examine the reaction to Sam Smith's Bond song, The Writing's on the Wall and argue that by giving Bond an ‘authentic’ voice, Smith laid bare Bond’s emptiness and, in the process, undermined Smith’s own claim to authenticity.


'Queering and querying the Australian suburbs: reimagining (sub)urban identities' in Coolabah, Special Issue: Reimagining Australia, no. 24 & 25, pp. 352-362.

I examine how Australian suburbs have been “queered” in the past 20 years in contemporary Australian literature.


''You Only Like the Beginnings’: Ordinariness of Sex and Marriage in Looking' in Queer Cultures / Queering Cultures: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland, vol. 9, no. 1-2.

In this special issue of queering cultures, I examine queer utopias and suggest that queer potential continues to be inherent in the actual process of “looking.”


'Mass-Mediated Social Terror in Spain' in Comparative Literature and Culture, Special Issue, Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror, Edited by Sophia A. McClennen and Henry James Morello, vol. 9, no. 1.

I investigate mass-mediated narratives of social terror in Spain in the context of the March 11, 2004, terrorist attacks in Madrid. Four citations in disciplinary areas including cultural anthropology and popular culture.


'The Possibility of a ‘Dead Europe’: Tsiolkas, Houellebecq and European Mythologies' in PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, vol. 4, no. 2.

I explore how novels by Houellebecq and Tsiolkas undermine constituent mythologies that sustain and drive the European Union integration process.


'Europe is Scared: The European Narrative of Perpetual Peace' in Culture, Theory and Critique: Special Issue: Creolization: Towards a Non-Eurocentric Europe, vol. 48, no. 1.

I explore the destabilisation of the grand narratives of the European project in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004 and London 2005.

June 10, 2028

Exploring the Unknown

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Publications : Publications




'Iberian Swagger vs. Feminist Masculinity: populist narratives of masculinity in contemporary Spain' in The Culture and Politics of Populist Masculinities, Lexington Books.

I explore populist masculinities from both the left and the right in contemporary Spain and question its link to the two Spains


I investigate necropolitics in the TV series Scandal and engage with questions about what it means to be human when necropolitics underpins systems of government.


“Queer Fantasies, Queer Echoes: the post-closet world of Looking” in HBO’s New and Original Voices: Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality and Power, Routledge, 2018.

I explore the HBO TV series Looking’s celebration of the banality of queer and suggest that it may signal the onset of a post-resistance, post-politics, queer era.


“The New Gay Loneliness?: Desire and Urban Gay Male Cultures” in Narratives of Loneliness,  Multidisciplinary Perspectives from the 21st Century, Routledge. 

I examine the loneliness in the fabric of sexual identity as it is perceived, challenged, celebrated or negated by society.

Publications : Publications




BOOK REVIEW: “Take Me to Spain”: Australian Imaginings of Spain through Music and Dance by John Whiteoak, Journal of Australian Studies

“Take Me to Spain”: Australian Imaginings of Spain through Music and Dance, by John Whiteoak, Lyrebird Press, Melbourne, 2019, xiii+258 pp., $55.00 (paperback), ISBN 9780734037923


The Great Dis-Equalizer: The COVID-19 Crisis in Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies

The collection hosts a series of self-reflective essays and cultural works that discuss the authors' individual experiences of the COVID-19 crisis and contributes to reframing  the pandemic as the 'great dis-equalizer'.

Publications : Publications

Conference Papers

"Iberian Swagger vs. Feminist Masculinity: populist narratives of masculinity in contemporary Spain" Australian Iberian and Latin American Studies Association, Griffith University, Online, July 2020. 

"Crisis Cultures: the poetics of austerity in contemporary Greece" What We Talk About When We Talk About Crisis: Social, Environmental, Institutional, Australian National University, 4-6 December, 2020. 

“Austerity and Trauma Culture(s): On Recognition of Europe’s Occluded Voices,” Fragile Europe, Political Sociology Research Network 32 of the European Sociological Association, Charles University, Prague, November 2-3, 2018.

“Beyond the Eurotypes: Alternative Narratives of Contemporary European Culture,” Tuning into the Noise of Europe Conference, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, January 18-19, 2018.

“'Queering and Querying the Australian Suburbs: The Clash of Cultural Identities in Christos Tsiolkas's Novels,” Re-Imagining Australia: Encounter, Recognition, Responsibility Conference, International Australian Studies Association, Curtin University, December 7–9, 2016.

“From Terror to Crisis: Understanding Narratives of las dos Españas,” Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, University of Sydney, December 14-17, 2016.

“Real Men: Sam Smith’s Emasculation of the James Bond Theme” 3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference: Authenticating Celebrity, University of Amsterdam, June 28-30, 2016.

“Terror and the State: Learning from Spain’s ‘Dirty War,” Understanding Conflict, University of Bath, June 8–11, 2015.

“Performing Terror and the State: The GAL and the Unimaginable in Spain’s ‘Dirty War,’” Subverting the State: the Postcolonial Predicament, University of Kent, May 22, 2015.

“Understanding Narratives of Crisis in Contemporary Greece: History and the Illegitimacy of Austerity,” Greece and Austerity Policies: Where to Next for its Economy and Society, World Economics Association, Online Conference, October 20 – December 21, 2014.

 “Narratives of Terror, Crisis and History: the Case of Spain,” Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, Elte University, Budapest, September 1-3, 2014.

“Dead Europe: unravelling the mythologies of integration and crisis,” I Symposium Internacional EDiSO (Estudios sobre Discurso y Sociedad), Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 15-16 May, 2014.

“Flowers from Another World: Navigating Spain’s Postcolonial Narratives” in the panel Close Encounters of the (Post)colonial Kind: European Cinema and Narratives of Ethnicity and Belonging. Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 2-6 July, 2012.

"Narratives of Terror in Spain since 9/11: Histories and Discontinuities" Europe: New Voices, New Perspectives, Contemporary Europe Research Centre, University of Melbourne, 8 December, 2006.

"The Return of las dos Españas? Spain, ETA and the Politics of Ceasefire" Hyperworld: Language, Culture and History VII International Conference of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia, City Campus, University of Technology Sydney, 27-29 September, 2006.

"Europe is scared..." Visions of Union: European Values and Contesting Voices, University of Technology Sydney, 19 to 20 September, 2005.

Publications : Text
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